Monday, September 3, 2012

Puppies For Sale

A boy stood beside a big box labelled with "Puppies for SALE" at a street corner. He was trying to sell 5 little puppies. Once in a while he announced "puppies ...," "cute puppies make great pets... ," and once in a while he was busy tending passersby interested in the puppies.

"Why are you selling the puppies ?" some asked, which he replied "I was not allowed to keep any of them."
"How much for that puppy ?," "How much for the slightly bigger puppy ?," "How much for the one playing with the black ball ?," some asked, which he replied "10 each."
"What is wrong with that one ?," "Why is that puppy keep one of his feet up ?," "Why does it walk funny ?," some asked, which he replied "He is crippled from birth."

It was not long until the puppies are all sold except the cripple one.

The boy then drew an "X" on the label over the word "SALE" and started to write "ADOPT."
Once in a while he announced "puppy ...," "cute puppy make great pets... ," and once in a while he was busy tending passersby. But, despite his effort, none seemed to be interested in the cripple puppy.

Joyfully, the boy packed up his belongings. Put on a leash on the cripple puppy. Then they both walked home in a funny way.

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