Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Story Of The Clay Pot With A Crack

An elderly Chinese woman has two large clay pots. These clay pots are Every and Day.

Every morning she would make Every and Day cling to each end of a bamboo stick. Then she would carry the bamboo stick, along with Every and Day, across her shoulders, and walks to a spring about an hour away to fetch some water.

Day, one of the pots, has a crack that at the end of each journey only half of the water it holds initially is left. This makes Every proud for its ability to constantly deliver much more than Day. While Day goes shy and more shy as time passes.

After some time, Day asks the old woman to retire it basing on its performance. Upon hearing the request, the old woman smiled and says, “Do you notice the flowers on our trail?”
“When I realized about you, I planted flower seeds along our trail, and every time while we are going back home from the spring, you water them.”

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