Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conversation With The Death

He was not born in a wealthy family.
He was not raised on milk and cheese.
His parents could not afford to buy him things he wanted to have.

He learnt about no pain, no gain.
He learnt that success is a bowl of sweat and a drop of luck.
He worked hard, and he worked smart.
He traded his time for means to gain.
He saved his wealth, little by little.

He is wealthy.
He learnt that money can buy almost everything.
He knew that better things would come around.
He learnt life could still be far better.
He worked hard. and he worked smarter.
He saved his wealth, He saved again.

Man will never know when his life ends...

Death came knocking at his door.
Death said that it was his time.

He told Death that He might be mistaken.
He told Death that he was still at his Thirties.
He told Death that he was still healthy.

Death said his apology.
Death knew he was not ready.
Death said that they were to go immediately.

He asked Dealth for more time.
He offered Death half his wealth.
He told Dealth he had so much to trade.

Death told him his wealth means nothing.
Death said his apology.
Death told him they still have a long journey.

He pleaded for more time.
He offered Death all his worth.
He told Dealth that wants more time.

Death granted him time just a little time.

He used his time to write a note,
" Whoever get the chance to read this,
Live life to the fullest,
My billions could not buy me more time."

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