Friday, May 10, 2013

The Chicken And The Eagle

An eagle found an egg and brought the egg to its nest. The egg hatched into a chick at the same time with the eagle's own egg. The eagle raised the chick just like one of its own. The chick and eaglet grew together.

Soon enough, the young eagle asked to be taught how to fly. The eagle agree and without any troubles the young eagle was able to fly. The young eagle flew happily covering the surrounding sky while the young chicken watched.

Not long after, the young chicken asked the eagle to be taught to fly just like its so known sibling. To this request the eagle told the young chicken that it needed not to worry about flying, and in time the eagle would teach how to fly. Day after day the young chicken kept on bringing the issue, but the eagle always gave the same answer.


A chicken found an egg and brought the egg to its nest.  The egg hatched into an eaglet at the same time with the chicken's own egg. The chicken raised the eaglet just like one of its own. The eaglet and chick grew together.

Soon enough, the young eagle asked to be taught how to fly. To this request the chicken told the young eagle that it needed not to worry about flying, and in time the chicken would teach how to fly. Day after day the young eagle kept on bringing the issue, but the chicken always gave the same answer.

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