Thursday, October 4, 2012

Do you think so ?

Once, there was a old wise Chinese man who had one of the most valueable stallion known in the near and far area.

One day.his prized stallion escaped and ran away. Many neighbors came, after hearing the news.  “What a misfortune, what a great loss,” the neighbors said. “Do you think so ?” the wise man replied.

After several days, the stallion returned, accompanied by several wild horses. As horse was highly valued back then, the neighbors said, “What a luck, ...what a blessing,”. “Do you think so ?” replied the wise man.

The next morning, the wise man's only son tried to tame the wild horses. He was skillful but unfortunatelly he got thrown off when he tried to tame the last wild horse..He broke his legs and would not be able to use it for quite some time. The neighbors came to express their sympathy to which the wise man said “Do you think so ?”

Few days after, a huge rebelious group started riots in several areas. A strict law was passed nation wide, requiring young men to serve the army. Not long after, officials arrived at that village to bring the young men from that village away. The officials neglected the wise man's only son as they saw that he was crippled.

The neighbors stated how well things had turned out for the wise man .The wise man said “Do you think so ?”

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