Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Prayer - Narada The Wise

Narada had been dedicating his life to God so much that people acknowledged him as the wisest and closest to God of all that the wise man started believing that none in the whole world loves God more than he had been.

God knew and told him "Narada, go to a town near Ganga river. One of my follower is there and living with him will do you good."

Narada went there to find a farmer and lived sometimes with the farmer. The farmer wakes up in the morning, utters God's name once, then carries his plow and goes to his field where he works all day. Only a moment before going to bed at night he utters, once again, God's name. A thought came to Narada's mind "How can this farmer said dedicating to God? Everyday he is too busy with his earthly tasks."

Then God told Narada, "Get a bowl full of milk, carry it around the town then come back here without a single drop less." Narada did what God asked him to do. God asked, "How many times did you remember me as you walk around the town?" which Narada replied, "Not once, how can I do it when I pay full attention to the bowl?"

God said: "The bowl took over your mind that you fully forget about me. But take a look at the farmer who even though responsible to his family remembers about me twice a day?"

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